Chemical Damage

Lab #1 Non-infectious Diseases

Chemical Damage

Salt Damage on Harwoods:

Salt Damage on basswood

Salt Damage on basswood: Note necrosis and chlorosis at edge of leaves.

Salt Damage on oak.

 Salt Damage on oak.

Salt Damage on maple.

Salt Damage on maple. 

Salt damage on ginkgo

Salt damage on ginkgo

Salt damage on elm

 Salt damage on elm

Salt Damage on pine

Salt Damage on pine: Tips of needles are affected, first turning chlorotic then necrotic.


Chemical damage on maple

Chemical damage on maple caused by a spray containing oil. Note damage occurs wherever the oil hit the leaves.


Herbicide Damage


Herbicide Damage - This herbicide caused curling of leaf edges as well as the "Shepard's crook" (branch tip curling or epinasty) and killed the tree.

Herbicide Damage on aspen

Herbicide Damage on aspen - low concentrations of herbicides can cause distorted growth and odd looking leaves.

Herbicide damage on spruce

 Herbicide damage on spruce causing the growing tips to be distorted.

fungus damage

Not herbicide damage - Although these symptoms look like herbicide damage, this is caused by a fungus and it is called aspen twig blight. After infection, the tips turn black and become curled.

An unknown for you to consider - What do you think caused these symptoms?

This oak tree had unusual symptoms

This oak tree had unusual symptoms. What may have caused this damage?