Lecture Schedule

Spring 2025 

January 22Introduction
27Abiotic and noninfectious diseases
29Abiotic and noninfectious diseases continued
February 3General characteristics of fungi
5Biology and ecology of fungi
10Leaf diseases and disease control
12Leaf diseases continued and Diseases of aspen and hybrid poplar
17Canker diseases of hardwoods 
19Chestnut Blight, Introduced pathogens
24Canker diseases of conifers
26Exam 1
March 3Dutch elm disease
5Oak wilt, Verticillium wilt
17Discussion session on wilt diseases
19Foliar diseases of conifers
24White pine blister rust
26Stem and Gall Rusts (including Fusiform Rust)
31Leaf and needle rusts
April 2Exam 2
7Wood decay fungi, wood decomposition
9Discoloration and decay in living trees- Hazardous trees
14Wood products deterioration
16Root rot fungi
21Diseases caused by Bacteria, Phytoplasma (Ash Yellows, Elm Yellows) and Nematodes
23Nursery diseases Mycorrhizae and Phytophthora
28Dwarf and leafy mistletoe
30Forest fungi
May 5Exam 3