Pine Wood Nematode

Nematodes are minute round worms. These pine wood nematodes were extracted out of pine wood.

Nematodes are exceedingly small round worms. These pine wood nematodes were extracted out of pine wood from a dead tree.

Leafy Mistletoe

Fresh sample of Phoradendron leucarpum on a Citrus tree from Florida. White berries are eaten and disseminated by birds.

Fresh sample of Phoradendron leucarpum on a Citrus tree from Florida.

Dwarf Mistletoe

Witches' brooms on black spruce caused by Arceuthobium pusillum

Witches' brooms on black spruce caused by Arceuthobium pusillum.




General Characteristics of Fungi

Asexual Ascomycota - Deuteromycota


General Characteristics of Fungi


Mushroom with gills.

Mushroom with gills


General Charateristics of Fungi
